NEWS SEPT. 2024:
AGGRESSION FIELD OF NIGHTMARES 2021. Kult Thrash Metal aus Kanada. Sehr geil! 2021. Awesome thrash metal from Canada. Great! |
MCD | 6 CHF | |
AKERCOCKE ANTICHRIST 2007. Geiler Death/Black Metal aus England. Fünftes Album. 2007. Great death/black metal from England. 5th album. |
CD | 10 CHF | |
ALCHEMIST DEMO '91 1991. Cooler Death Metal aus Australien. Pro-Cover & Tape. 1991. Cool death metal from Australia. Pro-cover & tape. |
DEMO-TAPE | 20 CHF | |
ATHEIST PIECE OF TIME 1990. Death Metal Klassiker aus Florida. Originalpressung von Active Records! Erstes Album. 1990. Death metal classic from Florida. 1st pressing on Active Records! 1st album. |
LP | 45 CHF | |
AVERSIONS CROWN TYRANT 2014. Technischer Deathcore aus Australien. Zweites Album. 2014. Technical deathcore from Australia. 2nd album. |
DIGI-CD | 8 CHF | |
AZAZEL WAY OF SUFFERING 1992. Doom Death Metal aus Polen. Pro-Cover & Tape. 1992. Doom death metal from Poland. Pro-cover & tape. |
DEMO-TAPE | 20 CHF | |
BABYLON SAD KYRIE 2019. Geiler Death Metal aus der Schweiz. Erstmals auf Vinyl dieser Scheibe von 1992. Killer! 2019. Great death metal from Switzerland. First time on vinyl of this album from 1992. Killer! |
LP | 25 CHF | |
BATTLEFIELD STILL AND EVER AGAIN 1991. Progressive Metal mit Sängerin aus Deutschland. Erstes Album. 1991. Progressive metal with female vocals from Germany. 1st album. |
LP | 10 CHF | |
BEHEMOTH CONJURATION 2002. Black/Death Metal aus Polen. 2002. Black/death metal from Poland. |
DIGI-MCD | 10 CHF | |
BEHEMOTH IN ABSENTIA DEI 2021. Professioneller Livestream in einer ehemaligen Kirche. Sehr geil! 2021. Professional livestream in a former church. Great! |
BLOT MINE KILL FOR INNER PEACE 1996. Schwedischer Death/Black Metal. Pro-Cover & Tape. 1996. Swedish death/black metal. Pro-cover & tape. |
DEMO-TAPE | 20 CHF | |
BØLZER ROMAN ACUPUNCTURE 2015. Death/Black Metal aus der Schweiz. Re-release der ersten MCD von 2012. Prägecover und geätzte B-Seite. 2015. Death/black metal from Switzerland. Re-release of their 1st MCD from 2012. Embossed cover and etched B-side. |
12" EP | 16 CHF | |
BOLT THROWER IN BATTLE THERE IS NO LAW 2011. Re-release des ersten Albums von 1988 in farbigem Vinyl. 2011. Re-release of their 1st album from 1988 on colored vinyl. |
LP | 25 CHF | |
CENTINEX THE PESTILENCE 2022. Old School Death Metal aus Schweden. Limited swamp green Vinyl. 2022. Old school death metal from Sweden. Limited swamp green vinyl. |
12 "EP | 15 CHF | |
CHAOSMONGER FOR CHAOS SHALL REIGN 2023. Re-release des ersten Albums dieser Schweizer Old School Death Metal Formation aus dem Jahr 2021 plus 1 Bonus Track. Limitiert auf 100 Stk. rot/schwarz gemischtes Vinyl. 2023. Re-release of the first album from this Swiss old school death metal band from 2021 incl. 1 bonus track. Limited to 100 copies in red/black merge vinyl. |
LP | 18 CHF | |
CHAOSMONGER FOR CHAOS SHALL REIGN 2023. Re-release des ersten Albums dieser Schweizer Old School Death Metal Formation aus dem Jahr 2021 plus 1 Bonus Track. Limitiert auf 113 Stk. schwarzes Vinyl. 2023. Re-release of the first album from this Swiss old school death metal band from 2021 incl. 1 bonus track. Limited to 113 copies in black vinyl. |
LP | 16 CHF | |
CHAOSMONGER / DAMNATORY CHOIRS OF EXTINCTION / ATAVISM 2023. Nach 20 Jahren liefern die Walliser DAMNATORY einen neuen erbarmungslosen Old School Death Metal Song! Auch CHAOSMONGER warten mit einer neuen Granate für die Ohren auf. Limitiert auf 300 Exemplare! 2023. After 20 years swiss DAMNATORY deliver a new merciless old school death metal track! Also CHAOSMONGER spawned a new sonic grenade. Limited to 300 copies! |
SPLIT-7" EP | 8 CHF | |
CROSS FADE RUINED 1992. Geiler Death Metal aus New York/USA. Pro-Cover & Tape. 1992. Great death metal from New York/USA. Pro-cover & tape. |
DEMO-TAPE | 30 CHF | |
DARKTHRONE THULCANDRA 2023. Re-release ihrer 3 ersten Demos: "Land of Frost" / "A New Dimension" und "Thulcandra". 2023. Re-release of their first 3 demos: "Land of Frost" / "A New Dimension" and "Thulcandra". |
LP | 27 CHF | |
DEADSOIL THE VENOM DIVINE 2004. Deathcore aus Deutschland. Erstes Album. 2004. Deathcore from Germany. 1st album. |
CD | 5 CHF | |
DEATHWITCH TRIUMPHANT DEVASTATION 2024. Cooler Black/Thrash aus Schweden. Re-release ihres ersten Albums von 1996. Limitiert auf 200 Stück in schwarzem Vinyl. 2024. Great black/thrash from Sweden. Re-release of their 1st album from 1996. Limited to 200 copies in black vinyl. |
LP | 16 CHF | |
DEATHWITCH DAWN OF ARMAGEDDON 2024. Cooler Black/Thrash aus Schweden. Re-release ihres zweiten Albums von 1997. Limitiert auf 200 Stück in schwarzem Vinyl. 2024. Great black/thrash from Sweden. Re-release of their 2nd album from 1997. Limited to 200 copies in black vinyl. |
LP | 16 CHF | |
DÉTENTE RECOGNIZE NO AUTHORITY 1986. Genialer Thrash Metal aus Los Angeles/USA mit Sängerin. Kult! Roadrunner Pressung. 1986. Awesome thrash metal from Los Angeles/USA with female vocals. Cult! Roadrunner pressing. |
LP | 30 CHF | |
ENTASIS DARKNESS HATH FALLEN 1993. Geiler Death Metal aus Australien. Pro-Cover & Tape. 1993. Great death metal from Australia. Pro-cover & tape. HÖREN / LISTEN (cd re-release link) |
DEMO-TAPE | 30 CHF | |
EUCHARIST DEMO 1 -92 1992. Genialer schwedischer Death Metal. Pro-Cover & Tape. 1992. Awesome swedish death metal. Pro-cover & tape. |
DEMO-TAPE | 60 CHF | |
EXCIDIUM D.O.M. 1992. Cooler Death Metal aus St. Gallen. Pro-Cover & Tape. 1992. Great death metal from Switzerland. Pro-cover & tape. |
DEMO-TAPE | 30 CHF | |
EXHUMED HORROR 2019. Grind/Death Metal aus Kalifornien. Sehr geil! Neuntes Album. 2019. Grind/death metal from California. Awesome! 9th album. |
LP | 25 CHF | |
EYES SEE RED EYES SEE RED 1996. Cooler Death Metal aus Zürich. Kopiertes Cover mit normaler Kassette (so erschienen). 1996. Great death metal from Switzerland. Xeroxed cover with regular tape (released this way). |
DEMO-TAPE | 30 CHF | |
FLESH FEAST FATE OF HATED FLESH 1997. Gnadenloser Death Metal aus Kanada. Pro-Cover & Tape. 1997. Merciless death metal from Canada. Pro-cover & tape. |
DEMO-TAPE | 30 CHF | |
GHOSTORM THE END OF ALL SONGS 1993. Cooler Death Metal aus Litauen. Pro-Cover & Tape. 1992. Great death metal from Lithuania. Pro-cover & tape. |
DEMO-TAPE | 15 CHF | |
HELLOWEEN HELLOWEEN 1985. Heavy Metal aus Deutschland. Erste EP. 1985. Heavy metal from Germany. 1st EP. |
12" EP | 25 CHF | |
HELLOWEEN DR. STEIN 1988. Heavy Metal aus Deutschland. Mit cutout sleeve. 1988. Heavy metal from Germany. With cutout sleeve. |
PICTURE-12" EP | 30 CHF | |
HELLOWEEN KEEPER OF THE SEVEN KEYS PART II 1988. Heavy Metal aus Deutschland. Drittes Album im Klappcover. 1988. Heavy metal from Germany. 3rd album with gatefold cover. |
LP | 35 CHF | |
HJELVIK WELCOME TO HEL 2020. Viking Metal mit ex-KVERLERTAK Frontmann. Erstes Album. 2020. Viking metal featuring ex-KVERLERTAK frontman. 1st album. |
CD | 8 CHF | |
HOLYCIDE ANNIHILATE... THEN ASK! 2017. Old School Thrash Metal aus Spanien mit AVULSED Sänger. Erstes Album. 2017. Old school thrash metal from Spain with AVULSED vocalist. 1st album. |
CD | 10 CHF | |
INCEST VOMIT OF DISGUST 1994. Cooler Death Metal aus Luzern. Pro-Cover & Tape. 1994. Cool death metal from Switzerland. Pro-cover & tape. |
DEMO-TAPE | 20 CHF | |
INCISION FAITHFUL DECAY 1992. Death Metal aus Florida/USA. Pro-Cover mit normaler Kassette (so erschienen). 1992. Death metal from Florida/USA. Pro-cover with regular ttape (released this way). |
DEMO-TAPE | 25 CHF | |
INFERNAL CARNAGE CRUELTY AND DEATH 1998. Death Metal aus Schwyz. Pro-Cover & Tape. 1998. Death metal from Switzerland. Pro-cover & tape. |
DEMO-TAPE | 20 CHF | |
IN PAIN A CALL FROM THE GRAVE 2015. Old School Death Metal aus Schweden. 2015. Old school death metal from Sweden. |
7" EP | 10 CHF | |
INVOCATOR GENETIC CONFUSION 1988. Aggressiver Thrash Metal aus Dänemark. Erstes Demo. Pro-Cover mit normaler Kassette. 1988. Aggressive thrash metal from Denmark. 1st demo. Pro-cover with regular tape. |
DEMO-TAPE | 35 CHF | |
INVOCATOR ALTERATIONS 1989. Aggressiver Thrash Metal aus Dänemark. Zweites Demo. Pro-Cover & Tape. 1989. Aggressive thrash metal from Denmark. 2nd demo. Pro-cover & tape. |
DEMO-TAPE | 35 CHF | |
KAAMOS KAAMOS 2014. Old School Death Metal aus Schweden. Re-release der ersten Scheibe von 2001. 2014. Old school death metal from Sweden. Re-release of their 1st album from 2001. |
LP | 25 CHF | |
KATERGON ENDLESS LIFE EP 2010. Doom Metal aus der Schweiz. 2010. Doom metal from Switzerland. |
DIGI-MCD | 5 CHF | |
KATERGON ARGONAUT 2012. Doom Metal aus der Schweiz. 2012. Doom metal from Switzerland. |
CD | 10 CHF | |
LABORATORY SPACECAKE 1996. Thrash Metal aus dem Aargau. Rare Eigenpressung! 1996. Thrash metal from Switzerland. Rare private pressing! |
CD | 40 CHF | |
MASSACRA ENJOY THE VIOLENCE 2013. Gnadenloser Death Metal aus Frankreich. Re-release des zweiten Albums von 1991. 2013. Merciless death metal from France. Re-release of their 2nd album from 1991. |
LP | 20 CHF | |
MERCYLESS COLOURED FUNERAL 2022. Geiler Old School Death Metal aus Frankreich. Re-release des zweiten Albums von 1993 als Picture-LP. Limitiert auf 250 Stück. 2022. Great old school death metal from France. Re-release of their 2nd album from 1993 as picture-LP. Limited to 250 copies. |
MORTUARY BLACKENED IMAGES + WHERE DEATH TAKES YOUR SOUL 2020. Genialer Death/Thrash aus Mexiko. Re-release des ersten Albums von 1991 plus dem Demo von 1989. Geätzte D-Seite. 2020. Awesome death/thrash from Mexico. Re-release of the 1st album from 1991 plus the demo from 1989. Etched D-side. |
DOUBLE-LP | 20 CHF | |
MÖTLEY CRÜE AN INTERVIEW ON THE ROAD 1990. Interview Shape. 1990. Interview shape. |
NOSTRADAMUS NON OMNIS MORIAR 1994. Death Metal aus Polen. Pro-Cover & Tape. 1994. Death metal from Poland. Pro-cover & tape. |
DEMO-TAPE | 15 CHF | |
OBSCURE INFINITY BEYOND THE GATE 1992. Geiler schwedischer Death Metal. Pro-Cover & Tape. 1992. Great swedish death metal. Pro-cover & tape. |
DEMO-TAPE | 25 CHF | |
PROFANATICA THY KINGDOM CUM 2013. Kult Black Metal aus den USA. Drittes Album mit Cover Poster. 2013. Cult black metal from the USA. 3rd album incl. cover poster. |
LP | 20 CHF | |
PROSTITUTE DISFIGUREMENT DEEDS OF DERANGEMENT 2023. Gnadenloser Death Metal aus den Niederlanden. Re-release des zweiten Albums von 2003. 2023. Merciless death metal from the Netherlands. Re-release of their 2nd album from 2003. |
CD | 8 CHF | |
RAVENOUS DEATH VISIONS FROM THE NETHERWORLD 2022. Geiler Death Metal aus Mexiko. Zweites Album. 2022. Great death metal from Mexico. 2nd album. |
CD | 12 CHF | |
SADNESS EODIPUS 1992. Genialer Doom Death Metal aus dem Wallis. Pro-Cover & Tape. 1992. Awesome doom death metal from Switzerland. Pro-cover & tape. |
DEMO-TAPE | 35 CHF | |
SEVERE TORTURE FEASTING ON BLOOD 2023. Gnadenloser Death Metal aus den Niederlanden. Re-release des ersten Albums von 2000. 2023. Merciless death metal from the Netherlands. Re-release of their 1st album from 2000. |
CD | 8 CHF | |
SEVERE TORTURE MISANTHROPIC CARNAGE 2023. Gnadenloser Death Metal aus den Niederlanden. Re-release des zweiten Albums von 2002. 2023. Merciless death metal from the Netherlands. Re-release of their 2nd album from 2002. |
CD | 8 CHF | |
SHAH BEWARE 1989. Geiler Thrash Metal aus Russland. Erstes Album. 1989. Great thrash metal from Russia. 1st album. |
LP | 30 CHF | |
TENEBRAE THIS DIVINE FLESH OF OURS 1992. Death Metal aus Finnland. Kopiertes Cover mit Pro-Tape (so erschienen). 1992. Death metal from Finland. Xeroxed cover & pro-tape (released this way). |
DEMO-TAPE | 15 CHF | |
UNAUSSPRECHLICHEN KULTEN TEUFELSBÜCHER 2019. Genialer Death Metal aus Chile. Fünftes Album. 2019. Awesome death metal from Chile. 5th album. |
DIGI-CD | 10 CHF | |
VEHEMENT THROWER WORM 1991. Geiler Death Metal aus Polen. Pro-Cover & Tape. 1991. Great death metal from Poland. Pro-cover & tape. |
DEMO-TAPE | 30 CHF | |